This guide is a presentation of the main features of DraftBot and tips to start your adventure nicely.
DraftBot is a Discord bot developed by @BastLast that allows you to live a textual adventure.
The story takes place in a medieval world where the player controls an adventurer who must win a competition organized by the king to win the hand of the princess. To achieve his goal, he must travel, collect points and face many dangers. The game takes place in real-time, and the player is regularly prompted to request "reports" from the character they are controlling. During these reports, the character may seek advice from the player through a choice system using Discord reactions. Each choice leads the character to beneficial or detrimental consequences. Throughout his journey, the character may be injured, collect different equipment, etc.
Lead your little character and help him get the princess!
No permission needed, your server is safe!
Simple configuration: just a channel.
Join thousands of players, fight and create your guild with your friends!
Help us improve the bot! Completely open-source project!
A small step by step guide to start your adventure.
The simplest way would be to join the support server! To join us, use this link below:
You can also add the bot to your server! (the link is on the bot server)
Once you have joined the server, a welcoming message will appear like this:
To start the adventure, press "Try Draftbot in English", then use the command /report
Following this, the bot tutorial will start. Just follow the bot instructions to continue.
Another important command to know is the command /help.
This command will give you the list of all the commands you can use. Try them all!
Some pieces of advice for the newbies, and a quick presentation about main commands.
It's a real-time role-playing game, which means you won't have to loop commands but you'll have to monitor your character's progress regularly.
When a player requests a report, he collects the points won by the character he controls to which is added a small bonus. After a while, the character stops collecting points, so make sure to make the deferral command regularly. However, you have to wait at least 10 min between reports to give the character some time to wait for new unexpected events. There are many other information about the technicalities of /report
in the dedicated wiki page
During your game and if you choose to take part in the community and talk about the bot, you will bump into some vocabulary used to describe specific elements of the game. Here's a list of the main ones:
Event: An event may happen when the player executes the /report
command. If an event occurs, the player will have to choose between different options
Mini event: Between 2 events, the player can obtain small events. There is one circa every 9 minutes and 45 seconds and they don't need much interaction (aside typing /report
Money: Money is the currency of the game. (yes the name is original) It is possible to use it by executing the /shop
command. Having money will also allow you to create your guild with the /guildcreate
command. It is also possible to lose some of it in some events or mini events. Money can be earned in events, mini events, with a daily item or in the guild's rewards.
Experience: The experience earned during your journey through the events will make you level-up. The higher your level is, the higher your stats will get and more possibilities will open to you : At level 4, you may buy your first class. At level 8, the fights will unlock and at level 10 the doors of the guilds will open to you.
State alteration: A state alteration can occur if something bad happens to your character during a report. State alterations prevent the character from collecting points and disable certain aspects of the game for a period of time.
Equipment: Equipment can be discovered by your character during your adventure. They will be stored automatically in your inventory.
There are four types of equipment:
Weapon: A weapon is a piece of equipment that increases the attack during fight. Weapons are automatically equipped.
Potions are the only pieces of equipment that cannot be sold using /sell
. Instead, they'll be thrown away.
The report is the main function of the game. It can be used to get the last informations about your player, since the last interaction. You can ask for a report by executing the /report
The report command has 4 differents states :
The player is travelling.
The player has a state alteration.
The player is doing an event.
The player is doing a mini event.
The player takes circa 9 minutes and 45 seconds to travel between 2 mini events.
A mini event is mostly a short sentence. However, some can give you items, health or even money.
Each mini event gives the player a quantity of points which decreases at each mini event. These points are added to the total number of points earned at the next event.
You can see the number of points earned with the mini events and the waiting time before the next one.
The events are the core of the game, the player just needs to react to a multiple-choice situation with the Discord reactions. Acoording to his choice, different endings can occur.
In this example above, the player has 3 different choices : the 2 reaction choices and also the possibility to add no reaction to it.
In some events, doing nothing is the best choice ! (In others, it's the worst)
Once the player has set their mind on what to choose, he can press a reaction (or wait 2 minutes), which triggers the issue.
After an event, the player is led to choose a destination. It is not possible for a player to go back on their steps (unless it is the only possible choice).
The time indicated in parenthesis is the travel time to reach the location, a question mark means that the time is unknown. In one-third of cases, the bot automatically chooses the player's destination.
A guide about the figths.
Once you reach at level 8 you will unlock the ability to fight other players using the /fight
command This guide will show you the basics of it.
In a fight, the following information are to take into account at all costs :
The energy points
The attack points
The defense points
The speed points
🌬 The breath in stock
The breath regeration ratio
For more information about those numbers, please see the profile section.
A normal fight can be started with the /fight
command. You can add a @user
option just after the command, to specify a user to fight. If you are not the creator of the fight, and if you don't have any state alteration, you can click on the emoji in reaction. In these type of fights, the winner earns glory points. Take note that the energy is consumed with this kind of fight.
The friendly fights work the same way as the normal fights but no one is losing energy nor earning glory points at the end. To start one you can run the/fight
command, with the friendly
option set to true
The fight is a turn by turn system. At every turn you will have to choose between 5 options, depending on the classes :
Infantryman: Simple attack, Piercing attack, Powerful attack, Charging attack, Protection
Tank: Simple attack, Intense attack, Shield atatck, Defense boost, Counter attack
Gunner: Quick attack, Sabotage attack, Boomerang attack, Cannon attack, Intense attack
Knight: Simple attack, Quick attack, Heavy attack, Blessing, Rest
Paladin: Simple attack, Ram attack, Ultimate attack, Shield attack, Divine attack
Veteran: Quick attack, Energetic attack, Charging attack, Piercing attack, Concentration
Mage: Poisonous attack, Fire attack, Breath-taking attack, Cursed attack, Dark attack
The above attack stay the same for the equivalent of the associated class, depending on the level.
The person with more speed gets first turn (or randomized if both fighters have the same speed).
The details of the various attacks can be read below:
Almost every attack needs a certain number of breath in order to be used, as they consume this amount when it's launched successfully (even when it fails to hit the opponent). At the beginning of their turn, a fighter will see its breath stock increase by the regeneration ratio that depends on their class. The info about breath stock, regeneration and consumption can be checked using the /classesinfo
If a player doesn't have enough breath to use an attack they want to use, due to the fact that it needs more than what thay have, there is a slight chance it will still launch successfully.
The fight ends when a fighter's life drops to 0.
A fight can also end when both fighters both lose all their energy on the same turn or when the 24th turn has ended. These conditions will trigger a draw.
When the fight ends, you'll probably lose energy, except if the fight was friendly, but it'll be recovered over time.
If a fighter doesn't react for more than 30 seconds, the fight will be considered as over. The inactive fighter will lose this fight, and all their energy if it was a ranked one.
All you have to do is type /language
and you are all set !
You ca get a complete list of the commands by typing /help
in a channel where draftbot can talk !
Check if the right permissions (see below) are given to the bot:
In TypeScript.
In a mariadb database. The only informations saved are about the game (every messages / images sent in the bot's channel won't be saved)
Sorry, I can't explain it thoroughly, but here's a guide that can help:
Right now I'm using OVH, but DigitalOcean, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud have been used in the past.
There are indeed two bots named "DraftBot", but they share nothing in common, except their name. Both of their creators didn't plagiarize each other, as their purposes are entirely different! If you seek help from the other bot, we can only advise you to join their support server.
The state alteration defines the current user's status. Some alterations might affect some of the games' actions.
The "Locked" state alteration is the only alteration that restrains access to the shop. Also, it cannot be removed with a guild reward
The "Dead" status locks every bot's command, expect/respawn.
Except the "Dead" state, every alteration can be cured by themselves over time.
It is still possible to get rid of an alteration without waiting, though.
It is possible to buy it in the shop using the /shop
command with 500 money, and will cancel/remove your state alteration. When this will be done, your players status will be the same as a player that just done a report.
The alteration state care is also one of the rewards of the guild daily command from a certain level.
Some objects and some potions can make the time go faster for some moment. When those are used, it is like if the time was going forward faster, but only for you.
Armor: Armor is a piece of equipment that increases defense during fight. The armor is automatically equipped.
Potion: (well there is no emoji potion then...) A potion is a piece of equipment that can have various effects. Some potions can be drunk by the player using the command /drink
, while other potions cannot be drunk and are used automatically during a fight.
Objects: Objects can have various effects, they are the only pieces of equipment that can be transported in two copies by the player. Indeed, the player's inventory has a reserve and an active object. By default, the objects will be placed in the reserve which may contain a single object. To use the power of an object you have to place it in the "active object" box of the inventory using the /switch
command, which will allow the use of the /daily
The non-choice "do nothing" happens automatically 2 minutes after no explicit choices were given. You can force this non-choice by manually adding the (:end:) reaction to the event's text.
Howling Woods : Ill-famed forest near Claire De Ville. Howling Woods has a bad reputation. Hideout of many bandits and outlaws, it owes its name mainly from its doubtful practices, hundreds of years ago.
Boug-Coton : A peaceful village known for its welcoming inn.
Claire de Ville : Large commercial city and economical crossroad, Claire De Ville hasn't always been that welcoming. Very poor at the beginning, she managed to quickly develop thanks to its many shops and hostels which offers a great choice to wanderers of the region. Claire De Ville is also known for its calm and its order.
Crossroads of Fates : A major crossroad that links main paths to the West of Mount Celestrum.
Oldster's Forest : Huge forest at the South of the Cradle. It is said that many travelers got lost there.
The Great Road : True last road which still allows to go around the Mount Celestrum from the north, the Great Road is still widely used, but mainly by brigands.
The Dune : Beach created by the strong winds from the Kings' Valley. The Dune protects the Backwoods Plains from heat and gathers water from the Vacarme river.
Celestrum Forest : A forest on the verge of the Mount Celestrum
Main Road : Formerly important trade route connecting the Cradle and Ville Forte, only old chipped pavement remains of the Main Road.
Crab's River : Everything is in the name. A river well appreciated by fishmen from Claire De Ville.
The Road Of Wonders : A road, very popular with the villagers. Lots of small sellers settle there for a day for making a huge market together.
King's Valley : Hot sandy desert named in honor of the region's ancient kings.
The Cradle : Huge plain in the West of the region bordered by a large forest and crossed by a large road.
The Wolves Path : Small and dangerous path bordering the Vacarme river. Be careful not to fall off.
Daedalus Path : A way named after its furrow within the abundant nature at the South of the Oldster's forest.
The Extent : A great empty Nordic plain, without much interest.
Mirage Lake : A large lake where families enjoy to round up. The Vacarme river flows to there.
Seawynne : A peaceful town on the verge of the Sentinel Beach.
Mount Celestrum : Mount Celestrum is the dominant mountain in the region. Several kilometers high, Celestrum is visible to all. It is said to be named after the ancient goddess. In addition, only one person managed to climb to the top. The only thing that is remembered is these initials : M-B.
Sentinel Beach : A large sandy beach on the edge of the town.
Vacarme River : This river owes its name to the noise produced by its strong current which took the lives of many villagers.
Climbing Road : A very stiff road that leads to Claire De Ville. Everything depends on which way you're following it.
Marshy Road : A difficult course. Muddy and wet, the Marshy Road connects the Extent to the Crab River.
Coco Village : Warm village bordering the Kings' Valley. It is a welcoming oasis for transit travelers.
Rural Path : A small road that takes you to the countryside from Mergagnan and vice versa.
Ville Forte : An anciently fortified city, Ville Forte is not what it used to be. Ravaged by the old war, only a dozen houses and peasants remain. The rest of the old fortification isn't more than ruins.
If you gave the right permissions and the bot still won't answer, don't fret! You can still get help in the .
YES ! The invite link is on the website () or in the #👑-bienvenue channel or in a pinned message on the #🗣-général channel on the official discord server. A simple method is to click the link below :
Yes, the bot is completely open source, and the full source code can be consulted here :
No state alteration
Beginning status
Strongly injured
As in every roleplaying game, your character has a profile used to show different statistics. To open your profile, just type /profile
You can also see other players' profiles using their rank or just by mentioning him with the "rank" or "user" parameters !
A player profile is cut like this :
This line contains every statistics about the adventure, containing :
The embed's border color also indicates your actual league.
Leagues establish a precise ranking of the kingdom's fighters: you'll shift between leagues as you gain or lose a certain number of glory points.
To further explain this point, here's a table with all the available leagues:
A season goes on from Sunday to Saturday. During that span, players gain glory points the further they fight. Once the season's over, players who ranked on the previous season's glory top may use the command /leaguebonus
on Sunday to get their season-end rewards.
The players who didn't get ranked on the glory top (which can be checked using the /top glory
command) can't use the /leaguebonus
command. That said, if you don't get anything, there might have been more fights to do. Also, players who already got their rewards can't fetch them twice.
There are 4 reward types:
XP and money, with their amount detailed on the table above,
a random item with a rarity between the extremae given per league (see above as well),
points to which the amount depends on the ranking: the first player gets 4000 of them, and this amount is reduced the further the position on the rankings.
If you are below the top 200, you won't gain any point.
Once you have more than 500 glory points, a 4% compression will be applied on it every end of a season until it meets the threshold.
Your health
Your experience points
Your money
This line is about everything related. It shows :
Your attack points
Your defense points
Your speed points
Your energy points
Breath available / max breath
Breath recovery
Glory points
Your league : it changes depending on your glory : More on
This line shows the current status of your player. If you have any active , the remaining time will be displayed, with the related emoji.
Since the latest versions of DraftBot, you have the possibility to choose a for your character but also to create or join a . These 2 pieces of information are shown in this part of your profile.
Finally, the bot will add in reaction to your profile emojis corresponding to all of your earned during your adventure.
The inventory is the place in which every items found in the reports, or bougth in the shop are stored. To check an inventory's content, type the /inventory
You can check out someone else's inventory as well! Use the user
or rank
options of that command to do so. For example, /inventory rank:42
will showcase the inventory of the user who's ranked 42nd.
The inventory is organized in two distinct parts: one that showcases the equipped items, and the other which displays what the player has kept for future use.
The inventory is divided in 4 parts:
The weapon slot
The armor slot
The potion slot
The item slot
The item stock will keep additional equipments that you can switch with your currently equipped ones depending on your needs.
The player's items stock can be improved on the shop. Various slots are available to buy:
1 weapon slot
1 armor slot
3 potion slots
3 item slots
When buying an additional slot, the option's price will increase in consequence.
The /dailybonus
command allows the user to use the item placed in the "Active object" slot. An item can be used every 22h minimum if it's not a fighting bonus.
The /sell
command lets you sell any of your stock's equipment (except the potions, which you can only throw away).
The /switch
command can be used to switch an active item with a stored one.
/top score
commandThe /top score
command (not to be confused with /top glory
) can be used to see the leaderboard of the DraftBot players, by points count. It also displays your ranking, and the page at which you are. The players will be displayed 15 by 15, showing their name, their status, their points count, and their level.
/top score
optionsIt is possible to see a specific page of the leaderboard, by typing /top score page:<page number>
In the example above you don't need to write <>. For example, typing /top score page:215
will display the users who are ranked between the 3211th and the 3225th place.
Two periods are available for this command: "All time" (the default option when you don't specify the duration
option), and "This week". The duration
option will specify the period on which the leaderboard should be displayed.
For example: /top score duration:🕥 This week.
will show the leaderboard taking account on the points gathered during the week it was launched.
The available values are automatically proposed by Discord, thus there's no possible syntax error as you don't need to write the command entirely by hand!
The weekly leaderboard is reset every sunday. The winner of that leaderboard will receive the following badge:
🎗️ Player that has won a weekly leaderboard
More informations about badges can be viewed here:
The leaderboard can be set on two possible scopes: "Global" (by default), and "Server". The scope
option lets you choose if you want to limit the leaderboard to those who are in your server only or not.
For example: /top score scope:🚩 Server ranking
will display the leaderboard of the server on which this command was executed.
Since the version of DraftBot, you can choose a class for your player once you have reached the level 4. The default class for every player is Recruit.
The choice of class depends on your level, there are 4 different ranks of classes :
Rank 1 : Between level 4 and 15
Rank 2 : Between level 16 and 31
Rank 3 : Between level 32 and 47
Rank 4 : Between level 48 and 79
Rank 5 : Level 80 and above
There are a total of 25 classes available in the game.
Once you are at level 4, you can use the /classes
command to change your class.
Then you have to click on the reaction corresponding to the class you want.
The above screenshots were taken when classes still were a paid option. Now that they're free since v4.3.3, the prices are not to be considered anymore.
However, there's a cooldown of either two weeks (for tiers 1 and 2) or a month (tier 3 and up) after choosing a class to avoid spamming class changes.
The /classesinfo
command has been added since version 2.1.1 of DraftBot to know the different statistics of the classes.
Missions are goals that players have to realize to earn experience and gems. To check your ongoing missions, use the /missions
You can also check out another player's missions by adding the user
or rank
parameters from the aforementioned command. For example, /missions rank:777
will display missions from the user who's ranked 777th.
There are 3 types of missions:
Campaign missions: they don't change and are preset : there are 60 of them and their difficulty is evolving with the player.
Daily missions: as their name implies, they change every day and make the player earn rewards in a different way than campaign missions.
Secondary missions are another possibility to earn rewards, they can be found occasionally in specific small events.
Secondary missions can be found on small events that look like this:
Gems that are earned by completing campaign and daily missions can be spent on the missions shop. You can access the latter with the /missionsshop
It is divided in 3 categories: