Bot owner
Attributed to Drapht only
Best player at the 1.0 reset
Player in the top 10 at the 1.0 reset
Player who was one of the 20 first persons to join the official server
Early class adopter
Player which has the first place in the top
Badge manager
Member of the technical team
Attributed to players who are highly invested in the bot's development
Badge manager
Bot translator
Attributed to players who translated the bot in english
Badge manager
Bot redactor
Attributed to players who wrote or co-wrote the game's events
Badge manager
Player who reported major bugs
Attributed in case a member of the dev team classifies a report as capital
Badge manager
Player who reported major vulnerabilities without exploiting them
Badge manager
Badge manager
Player who has the "Soutien" role on the bot's server
Attributed to players who reached level 20 on the bot's server, not on the bot itself
Badge manager
Player who helped setting up the bot on a server with 2k+ members
Badge manager
Badge that can be won during Christmas contests
Badge manager
Badge that can be won during contests
Badge manager
Badge that can be randomly won
Sometimes attributed during unofficial events on the bot's server
Badge manager
Player who posted a great meme on the server
Attributed to player who have more than 25❤️ on the channel dedicated to memes on the bot's server
Badge manager
Badge that can be bought on the shop
Badge that can be bought on the missions shop
Player who reached first place on a weekly leaderboard
Attributed to players who voted on the last 12h
Member of a powerful guild
Attributed to players belonging to a guild that is level 50+
Tournament winner
Badge manager
Player who trained a legendary pet
Player who gained the most glory points during a fighting season
If you think that you merit a badge, please contact Thero1st#9119
or Ines#7400
on Discord.
Once a badge is unlocked, it will show on your profile.
Some badges are no longer available since the 1.0 version of DraftBot. The players that own them are of the oldest and loyals players of the community!
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