State alteration

The state alteration defines the current user's status. Some alterations might affect some of the games' actions.

List of the different alterations

The "Locked" state alteration is the only alteration that restrains access to the shop. Also, it cannot be removed with a guild reward

The "Dead" status locks every bot's command, expect/respawn.

Alteration state care

Except the "Dead" state, every alteration can be cured by themselves over time.

It is still possible to get rid of an alteration without waiting, though.

Get an "Heal state alterations"

It is possible to buy it in the shop using the /shop command with 500 money, and will cancel/remove your state alteration. When this will be done, your players status will be the same as a player that just done a report.

The alteration state care is also one of the rewards of the guild daily command from a certain level.

Potions and items to make time go faster

Some objects and some potions can make the time go faster for some moment. When those are used, it is like if the time was going forward faster, but only for you.

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